Theatre Photography - Rehearsal & Publicity shoot for nationwide tour of Birdsong

I've had a busy start to the year - lots of lovely shoots including a portrait of Megan Greene, an eminent economist.A few days ago, I was doing rehearsal photos of a new production of Birdsong for the Original Theatre Company. I'm really excited about this show. It is a new version of the play and is going on a MASSIVE tour of the UK. You name the theatre and chances are they're playing it.I went along to the rehearsal room in Peckham, London, to do some promotional images and rehearsal shots for the programme. It's adapted from one of my favourite books, and so I was a bit gutted to hear that author Sebastian Faulks had popped into rehearsals and I'd only missed him by a day!I'll be doing their production photos in a few weeks, so watch this space ...If you'd like to find out more about the show, click here.